Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Jenna Houston

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since Oct 11, 2022
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very interesting offer to consider all possibilities We are a recently retired couple living in NY 1 hr from Barre. We're familiar with the area of Western Mass)

We're ultimately looking to join or help build an intentional community focused on self sustainability (food growing and energy harvesting), stewardship of the land, permaculture, with others who want to land share, or sell part of their land to put that $ into infrastructure (greenhouse, nut trees, solar geothermal)  zero net building. We'd like to not only know our neighbors but invest in community we're looking for our tribe.
We are focused on health and healing and know that as: aligning with Earth, and healing within and without (food as medicine, healhty lifesstyle, womens health, midwifery, herbs ) not depending on the pathology of the current systems that are not sustainable.

Exploring and reaching out to see whats possible within 1-2 hrs of Columbia Co NY Jenna Houston (Jennifer Houston on FB) and email
2 years ago
Looking for our tribe....and for those families interested in building a self sustaining intentional community based on permaculture principles, food sovernity, generating our own energy and reducing the need to consume from the pathological system.

We are an elder couple in good health with training in sociocracy, medical care, healing, making medicine, food as medicine, healing practices, seeking others to build an intentional community in Hudson Valley (or other area in NorthEast)

We have assessts to invest. Looking for others seeking the same.


Contact Jenna Houston (retired homebirth midwife)
2 years ago