My 13 year old first born decided to quit school and take upon a journey of home schooling. She wants to raise goats as a part of the curriculum. She’s been quite reliable with our chickens, ducks and turkeys so I approved.
I’ve built a 100 square foot goat house with insulated walls and roof, I brought 50 bales of hay alfalfa mix. We have more than an acre of bushes that I intend to turn into an orchard over time and despite not having much experience with goats I think we are ready to pull the trigger.
We decided to get Nigerian dwarfs since they are praised for their milk and character. Two doelings to get started. .
Most of the goats that I see listed for sale are vaccinated which I don’t think would be necessary for a small heard so I would like to as for advice on where to buy unvaccinated Nigerian dwarf goats.