Tiki Hunter

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since Dec 04, 2022
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I don’t remember all the data; but about 15 years ago I was helping a friend at her nursery zip up trees/shrubs for the winter. We made a small corral from straw bales and put everything inside. Then stuffed straw between the pots and a short layer on top of the dirt. Most all the plants were good the following spring. So perhaps these clearance trees could be potted and overwintered in a straw crib.
 Many folks don’t believe it, but you can haggle some with Walmart! When they out the grapes and berries on clearance, I go in with an offer like 50 cents per plant. Telling them that Goes for something dead looking or not. Often the plant is still alive in the root area. These I plant in a holding area with shade cloth and are babied to see which will pull out and grow and others will die. But at 50 cents each, getting half to live is still a bargain. Sometimes the survivors grow great and other times their growth is stunted.
 My opinion is you’ll get what you pay for. You could luck out and get a good plant but you’re also buying something that has been picked over for months.
A lot of body heat is lost through your head and waist. Wearing a cap and something like a scarf around your waist will help you feel warmer. Also for those that seem to have to use bathroom more when it’s colder-that’s because your organs are trying to shrink and stay warmer. This includes your bladder and well…walnut size bladders need tending more often. Adding something around the waist helps keep organs warm and less potty breaks.

 I also do the bubble wrap on the windows. A light mist of water makes it stick to the glass. I heat only with wood; so blocking off unused rooms helps. Also, found out on accident that weighted blankets also help tremendously on trapping body heat.
3 months ago