Roland Plain

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since Feb 22, 2023
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Thanks man! I wish you the best of luck with your goat fencing. I'm sure you'll have it sealed up just right soon enough.
2 years ago
This is our family milk cow peaches, and below are the goats lol they're still fairly young.
2 years ago
I totally hear that man. Good on you for keeping it up as much as you can though! And honestly goats have been nothing but a pain in my ass, but my wife loves them so that's why we still have them lol I tried to give them some left over smart beet pellets and they've had the runs for 2 whole days. Learned my lesson on that one real quick.
2 years ago
They're gorgeous! I'm in NY, if you were closer I'd absolutely consider it lol it would be nice to have someone to swap genetics with to keep them healthy in the long run. And yeah, in our back we have some wet areas I was going to turn into a small creek type place. And I'm planning on breeding them so the boar will have his fun but I don't want the population to explode that quickly lol how long do yours take to dress out? I was actually going to do the same and get food from local places like restaurants and grocery stores. But local schools is a good idea too!
2 years ago
Has anyone raised these? Any advice? I'm planning on 5 for breeding stock, then another 5-10 berk/manga crosses for this year's freezer camp. I'm going to do 2 separate pens with hot wire to raise them to size, then build another to keep the manga boar separate. We have 18 acres to build silvo pasture on and rotate them Joel salatin style which is the plan. I've done a bunch of research on this already, we have a family milk cow, 100 birds (ducks geese chicken turkey) for eggs and breeding sales, 3 goats and 2 mini pigs already. I figured I'd see if there was anymore knowledge or advice more experienced farmers had to share.


2 years ago