Native Bee Guide by Crown Bees
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daniel kern II

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since Apr 14, 2023
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I came across the book series because of an issue of Texas coop power magazine I was given. The article is called "make your Shelf Useful" and it talks a bit about the author Scooter Cheatham and how he has "dedicated his life to voluminous books that document uses for Texas plants"  

Then it goes on to talk about some useful plants such as Beebrush, hackberry, inland sea oats, ragweed and trumpet creeper.
10 months ago
Right most people wouldnt be interested in a book like this unless they lived in the area. Other books do exist the thing is that These books cost considerably more and it is looking like there will be many volumes.
10 months ago
The Useful Wild Plants of Texas, the Southeastern and Southwestern United States, the Southern Plains, and Northern Mexico by Scooter Cheatham is an incomplete volume of books by a man who has dedicated his life to ethnobotany and who is currently studying and writing this series of volumes.

The books can be ordered here:

but the books each volume is a bit pricey and currently there are only 4 volumes and the c's still are incomplete.  I am just wondering if anyone has seen or owns one of these books and if they are worth the price.

I found an older book written by the same author. The book can be borrowed and read for free here:
10 months ago