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Sherrie Ryan

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since Jan 24, 2024
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I'm very new to pig farming. (2 weeks)
We got 2 American Guinea hogs and 2 kune kune. The mama AGH had 8 babies and started eating them. We saved 4 and brought them inside. There were several factors that might have contributed to this tragedy.
1. We had her for less than a week.
2. All four pigs were in the same pen. (She delivered sooner than we thought.)
3. It was 5 degrees outside.  She dug a hole and we had lots of hay for bedding.
4. We were told later we were feeding the wrong food.

How likely is it that Mama pig will do this again? We have fixed all the above problems. If bred again, she will deliver in the summer. We have a birthing place. We are feeding the right food. And she will have been here a few months.
1 year ago