Dan Reslock

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since Apr 22, 2024
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Thank you.

I only have 3 acres, and the horses and goats have no where else to be. The slope itself will be fenced off, as well as 10' back from the edge at the top where the trees are to reduce compaction at the edge. But I do need to have animals living on the top level of the property, so there will be traffic above, from that fence to the top of the property.
8 months ago
This property is brand new to me, and I am brand new to owning land. How can I help this hill?

The long term goal is to run livestock here - goats on the top of the hill, horses at the bottom. The bottom is level but gets swampy, so I planned to create a bioswale at the base of the hill and grade the horse area to drain toward it.

Before I do that - I feel like I need to stabilize this hillside, especially in the back of the property (last two pictures). Obviously it has been eroding for a while, and I'm worried about losing the trees with exposed roots. How would you go about this?
9 months ago