David Desmond

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since May 28, 2024
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Recent posts by David Desmond

Hi Marie,
     I'm in Marcola, Oregon where I've been farming organic vegetables commercially for almost 20 years.  I am entering a new phase of life.  I want to transition from a high output commercial farm into one where I still support myself with my labor growing high quality vegetables for the local market, but on a part time scale.
    Community, adventure, and self reliance are values I hold and want in my life.  The community is what I am missing.  My idea of who I'm looking for is maybe best described as a land mate.  Someone who is independent, who wants to explore their own personal way of connecting to the land and soil.   At the same time I see a connection through shared goals and working together, physically and mentally to achieve them.
       I envision a potential group of 4-5 adults living on the land. Couples and singles are both welcome.  With the shared passion for growing food and living simply connecting us.  Independent yet connected.  Independent  meaning: self assured, self directed, hard working and financially stable.  Connected meaning: we  cooperate on projects, we look out for one another, we share a few meals per week or more, we feel inspired by each persons strengths, we strive to be the best person we can and acknowledge stumbles along the way, we smile and laugh and cry and sing and love.
       I am open minded about new  romantic relationships but it's not the focus of my search for community. I am already with a beautiful woman who I love, but due to life circumstances and priorities we live an hour apart and while this was fine for many years I have come to feel like I’m missing something that I don’t want to live without.  I have been good on my own, but life feels richer shared and I think I live my best life, am my best self when I’m sharing and live life partially in service to someone else.


8 months ago