Reaching out because a number of things you mentioned are highlights in my world as well; to name a few, hard work, hiking/outdoor time, aspiring to more sustainable living, singing, theater, humor and dogs. While I enjoy my laughs, I balance that with quieter time in nature or with music/books.
I also live on land that is way beforested, which is my jam, with ~20 fruit trees and a 7500' space for gardens, though I appreciate the open / view / meadow areas around here as well. On another level, I carry both an ever re-charging joy and wonder for all the wonder this world holds, with a churning heaviness for the magnitude of the change to the climate and biosphere we're experiencing. It's a daily journey to balance these forces. And then, sometimes my mind sends me a jingle from an old TV commercial, just for fun.
I'd be open to a chat, if you'd like to connect, be that in buddy-world or something else, if that's what's called for. New to Permies here so not yet up on whether that happens in a direct message or adds to this thread of yours.
Sign off here with a few photos, and for a glimpse, five random tidbits. Cheers!
– I'd rather take a first date to haul wheelbarrows of earth for a land project then to a club
– If I were in a club though, and they asked me to DJ, my playlist would be such a random mix of soul, folk, classical, musical theater, early 1980's pop, and who knows what the heck else that they might retire me on the spot.
– I probably couldn't even get them a playlist though, as I don't have a smartphone
– No smartphone, but the minimalist guy I was, whose worldly possessions once fit in a suitcase now looks at me with a mixture of amusement and head-slapping, as living on ~5+ acres I have no fewer than five saws (among other tools), 10 (?) musical instruments, and a sauna.
– I generally prefer cooler temperatures, but in saunas, it's time to bring on the heat.
Attaching a few pics, but don't know if I can caption them As an Iphone-less guy, using random photos from previous friends' visits.
Cheers, and happy solstice-ing,