Øystein Tandberg

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since Jul 07, 2024
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Recent posts by Øystein Tandberg

Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I guess it's too nice to crush biochar.

Well - here people throw new clothes. They buy a number to small, and then they throw it in the garbage. It's just the way it is here. I like the biochar idea. My only problem really is that I don't have help from anyone to carry this - it a very degenerated society, and of course it is not getting better.. I can't explain how things work here, it has to be experienced. Like life on anther planet.
5 months ago

Nancy Reading wrote:If I had one I would try crushing nettle stalks prior to stripping the fibre skins off. I think it might be just the thing!

Tell me more:-) I'm planning to create a big nettle patch, as I eat a lot of them in spring. But I also want to make my own clothes, and they sometimes give a away weaves as well, the big ones.. And pianos, lots of things.. My house is made from these things..
5 months ago
Dear all - I'm living in a place where people give away a lot of things, and quite often they give these (pic) away, used originally to press clothes. Any ideas what I could do with one?

Best regards
5 months ago

Glenn Herbert wrote:... I think the air would be moving so fast that you would have a ton of excess air which will only cool the system. .

Thank you Glenn - most appreciated input! It is interesting what you say, I am trying to anticipate the draft I will need and also be able to create by various manipulations - I opened another thread to discuss this in a separate thread, but it is of course very connected, like the universe itself. https://permies.com/t/261567/heated-bench-cross-sections#2548605

Without getting too philosophical - I try to cover all bases in this system. I'm making a rather massive fireplace at the base of the outside chimney - and I plan to line it, and the pipe, with a fireproof material consisting mainly of puffed silica, and puffed clay, using waterglass as the binder. That can sustain much higher temperatures than bricks, and it also have much higher insulation qualities. So, when the exhaust leaves the house in a horizontal pipe, it will connect to this rather large oven, and the chimney will have the same diameter as the inside oven/core. That will give me the possibility to regulate the initial draft substantially, and I am also contemplating other solutions, to what you propose, reduce the air that flows into the system. I have placed it next to the door, so I can just open the door and get as much air as I want - it is next a source of abundant water - so now you made me think of the other extreme, allowing the very minimum of air - I see now that is very important.    

5 months ago
The three different sections of the construction. I’m not at all sure about the bench part though - I want as much heat as possible to be stored there - since the core will be covered by stones I’m not worried about that part getting hot, but I feel the air will not have sufficient time in the bench, and think about creating more surface using smaller pipes - but I also want to make sure that it has a steady draft.
5 months ago

Benjamin Dinkel wrote:Hello Øystein,

could you give us some more details on your .

Thank you! - So, basically, I ask because I am contemplating 3 spaces with a larger cross section. One is on the outside part of the construction (pictures). I am making a rather big fireplace at the base of what will be the chimney- and the exhaust will come out horizontally from the wall, and connect to the rather big oven. — The more heat I can store on the inside of the house the better - in a prototype I made the bench hardly warmed up at all..  
5 months ago
Dear all - I'm wanting to make my own fruit press - a big one. Any ideas?
6 months ago
Dear all - I'm wanting to make my own fruit press - a big one. Any ideas?
6 months ago
Dear all.

If the outside chimney has 20 cm diameter - and the built in chimney (and burn tunnel) has a 20 cm diameter as well - what effects will  areas in the exhaust system with a larger cross section have?

6 months ago