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Ben Gasca

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since Sep 09, 2024
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John Brownlee wrote:I came here to look for this exact info as I am considering starting my own goji berry farm. Does anyone here have ideas for good understory plants? I'm in middle western Georgia with fairly poor, sandy soil. I'm going to start with 1,000 sq ft plot, which will allow me about 50 plants max. The idea is to sell dried berries online, fresh berries and leaves to some of the local Asian supermarkets, and sell plants that I propagate from cuttings or root suckers.

I'd like to have as many possible crops out of this plot as possible, and for the majority of them to also be marketable crops. So far I've thought of low growing perennial culinary herbs like oregano and thyme as well as comfrey. All of which can be sold dried, fresh, or propagated to sell plants.

Any other ideas would be appreciated, and also feel free to poke holes in my idea.

Hi there, I would like to grow a network around goji berry farming. Mainly, I want to at one point, wholesale. I would love to hear how this is going for you and how harvesting would be done. Upon reading, I want to give a small trellis /tarp a try, since they arch. Also, I want to be able to filter leaves, twigs out and size them. I have ideas but I’m in my homework stage.
4 months ago