David Regan

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since Dec 29, 2024
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Recent posts by David Regan

I smelled the log today but couldn't quite identify it. I was told that in the area where I collected the logs, there are beech and cherry blossom trees.
4 weeks ago
Hi all,

My father and I collected some logs after the recent storm and are trying to identify what type of tree they came from. We’d greatly appreciate any help! I find it quite challenging to identify trees without their leaves. Thanks in advance! Logs were collected in Dublin, Ireland.

1 month ago
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!
1 month ago
Thank you Timothy

I don’t have any previous experience working on a farm, but I’ve had a small back garden where I’ve grown vegetables on a small scale in my spare time. I’ve successfully grown potatoes, carrots, green beans, lettuce, garlic, onions, broccoli, and a few other crops. It’s been a great learning experience, and I’m excited to expand my knowledge and skills.
1 month ago
Hello all! I'm delighted to join this community and looking forward to learning from everyone here.

My name is Dave and I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I am interested in becoming more self sufficient. I have some practical experience in growing vegetables and fishing. This year I am traveling to America where I will volunteer for a few months in the Hurricane relief. Around April I will head up to Canada where I hope to volunteer on self sufficient farms. Hopefully there I will get the chance to learn about growing organic food, raising animals, hunting, foraging, fishing, building work, woodwork and processing animals. By doing this I hope to see if this sort of life is for me.

I'm a member of WWOOF Canada and will apply for volunteer opportunities through the website. If anyone has any other recommendations, I would be very happy to hear them.

Thanks for reading
1 month ago