Logan Holtz

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since Jan 06, 2025
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Recent posts by Logan Holtz

My partner and I are interested in the bootcamp, we only just found it but have been talking about this sort of thing and have a New Year's resolution to be out of the city by year's end. Their lease ends in March, and if I can find a subletter for mine by then, we would both be free of commitments out here in society and excited to stay as long as the going's good. Just have a couple questions before we get too excited!

1. I know people have brought cats... but would FOUR be a problem? What are the logistics of feeding and housing them?

2. My partner has celiac's - is there any way that they could be accomodated? They absolutely cannot have gluten, and cannot safely eat in a shared kitchen without it being thoroughly decontaminated first (or at least a safe work section). We would of course be willing to put in work on our own end of this, whether we have to prep our week's meals all at once or help build an accessory kitchen etc.

3. If we are bringing a car, what are the logistics of storage? (I can't be the first to ask this, but I did not see a search function sorry!)

4. If we are on an Rx,  will we be able to access that and take it at camp?

We look forward to hearing back!
Logan & Hunter
1 month ago