Nancy Reading wrote:
it needs some tweaking to make it permaculture friendly.
I guess the first question back is what are you trying to do? Then: Are you starting with a previous garden? How did things grow? What are you hoping to grow there this year? What is your soil and climate like? To my mind permaculture is not something that comes out of a box ready made, it is a design system. Without knowing the constraints and assets you have it is difficult to give a simple answer.
Mine would be - 'feed the soil not the plant'. Take a look at ; a quick excerpt from the Master Gardener course at Wheaton labs for some interesting pointers.
Soil Preparation
Compost (N), 2 inch(es), in top 10in of soil, 1 time
Due OnFeb 12, 2025
Soil Preparation
Standard Mix, 5 pound(s) per 100 sq. ft., in top 10in of soil, 1 time
Due OnFeb 12, 2025
A standard mix will supply potassium, phosphorus and any additional nutrients required.