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Rebecca Fischer

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since Apr 22, 2011
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Recent posts by Rebecca Fischer

Hi, Mike, I enjoyed reading your bio. I was widowed in 2003 and totally agree that "livin the dream" is rewarding and great, but also lonely and not always exciting when you have no one to share the excitement or discoveries. Hope you are doing well. I don't get on this site much and have yet to get a photo posted. I am not even sure how up to date my bio is on here. Meanwhile, it was interesting to peruse the site today and I came across your post. --Rebecca Fischer
7 years ago
not sure I understand this permies website or purple mooseages. I don't think I was interviewed by Central illinois Farm Beginnings but I am the one in the big hat and on the Kubota. Where did you find an interview?
7 years ago
btw, I am five feet four and a half inches tall. : )
7 years ago
Been doing some homesteading in west central Illinois since 2008. Not sure if you are still out there. That's the trouble with these single sites, sometimes the posts don't get deleted and wind up in the back of the fridge wrapped in tin foil and  growing fur and mold. --Rebecca
7 years ago
I just signed back onto this site. And I don't know how old your post is. But I was really intrigued by your bio. And didn't know if you found your soul mate. Your ideas sound very authentic and doable. I have been developing my ten-acre farm in west central Illinois since being suddenly and tragically widowed in November of 2003. My farm has been my grief therapy and ultimate recovery. It is certainly refreshing to find similar like minded, reasonable and somewhat normal people who understand the journey and the hard work that reaps so much wisdom and reward. Thank you for sharing. --Rebecca
7 years ago
Can you tell me more about your situation: age, gender, long/term short term goals? I don't want to lead you on but I think I would like to know a little more about you before I tell you where my farm is located. I hope you will understand my concern too, the internet can be a haven sometimes. Would you work? Would you stay a while? Do you have animals? Do you have questions for me?
12 years ago
Hi, i read your post and am curious to know if you have found somewhere to go? I am in the midwest and it sounds like my farm could be a good fit as I am forever looking for help, especially this time of year, to get gardens planted. I have a small flock of chickens and am anxiously looking forward to my first fruits from trees I planted in 2010. I too was a victim of violence, or rather, a survivor of violence that was perpetrated on my family. I sought serenity through farming and have found it at what I call my ten-acre slice of heaven. I would be very curious to know of your incident. It sounds like you have been through quite an ordeal. I hope you find a soft and secure place to land. My best to you.
12 years ago
I wonder why it is that you are the kind of guy I am definitely looking for but just like eco straw I am a little older.  Where are the tree huggers my age?
I even have my bio posted.  a lot of "views"  0 replies.    Oh well. Am going to be near Lame Deer, Montana next month helping on the Northern Cheyenne Straw bale build.
Good luck to you in your search.
13 years ago
I am at a point in my life where I would just rather be farming. I am not interested in shopping or  acquiring more material goods and care less about politics or pop culture or if my portfolio is diversified enough. My children are no longer underfoot nor require as much of my time. So I  am more content these days just digging in the dirt and enjoying the outdoor sounds, breezes, smells. I have been a widow almost eight years now and would really like to find a male companion who is on the same page as far as his love of nature and the outdoors, bees and chickens, and flowers. Are you out there? I have been told that I am an attractive woman with a lot of energy and I 'clean up'  real good when I need to. But I hate going to bars in order to meet people and it is nearly impossible to meet tree huggin permie nuts  in bars anyway.   I am the most comfortable  in my dirty farm clothes. I do take care of myself and hope you would think that is important for yourself too. I am a pleasant, easy going and happy person but am even more happy when I am driving my tractor or walking in the woods seeing the spring flowers pop or watching new snow blanket the winter trees. I have always been a farm girl trapped in a city body. I  have taken farm classes designed for beginning farmers and also a permaculture design course. I  have been putting my training and skills to work on my small, ten-acre farm in central Illinois where I have a flock of chickens, two bee hives, some grapes and fruit trees and a five acre field that is calling out for to be planted with flowers or prairie. While I really and truly enjoy all of this and feel very blessed to have my slice of  wonderful earth, it would also be nice to have a sweetie who wants to plant a garden, take long sojourns, get thrilled by birdwatching,  revel in a healthy beehives and fresh eggs from home-grown chickens, and to cuddle up and  share the events of our uncluttered day.   
13 years ago