Steph Michelle

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since Oct 17, 2011
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Recent posts by Steph Michelle

Couldn't you just make a fake account if you wanted to support the petition?
Is there any more information on those pants? Link to the kickstarter?
Wonderful! Thanks for the reassurance!
12 years ago
I've read/heard about Hugle beds to deal with dry climates. I'm wondering how they would work in a wet climate? I'm in Nova Scotia (Canada) and I have a slightly sloped area that was total cleared for construction. It is clay subsoil and ends up with a lot of standing water. This spot gets good light and is where I'm hoping to get some fruit trees and bushes growing but I think the wet is too much. When I get time I was going to build a hugle bed uphill from the area thinking it would absorb some of the water and redirect it. In the process I would make use of some of the dead wood and build myself a nice planting bed.

Has anyone used hugle beds to deal with an area with too much water before?

12 years ago
Raise funds using a different tool than kickstarter maybe. Like

There is a farmer in my area that installed 2 huglebeets and was so happy he was working on a third. The message might be more prevalent than you think.
Looks like a vole to me.
12 years ago