Armin Voigt

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since Oct 19, 2011
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Rural Western North Dakota Zone 3
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Recent posts by Armin Voigt

You've Been Lied to about CANCER!!! [with Dr Thomas Seyfried, PhD]

Dr Seyfried uses a press-pulse method for management of cancer that you may want to check into. I have no personal information, I just happened to have watched it a few weeks ago.
1 year ago
Lori and I are planning to attend the Schmoozaroo June 21-23.
6 years ago

Armin Voigt wrote:Sue,
Here is a link on where to find lead free 22 mag ammo.

I would not recommend the lead free 22 mag ammo that I linked. I found out that it is designed for varmints and to expand violently on impact, so would not get much penetration. A better choice,in my opinion,would be full metal jacket rounds for the .22 mag since the lead is fully encapsulated and will get lots of penetration.

Has anyone used full metal jacket bullets on pigs and recovered them to see if the copper jacket remained fully intact(no visible lead to spread lead contamination)?
9 years ago
Some deep rooters might be interest in having someone cut/limb/drag/stack trees for a future WOFATI.
What part of the year would be best for this task?
Is it better to work/build with green trees or ones that have seasoned for a few years?
Approximate number of trees it took to build the 400 sq foot wofati?

10 years ago
-Greywater systems
11 years ago
Add me to the list of folks that are interested in building a shippable core.
11 years ago