Elaine Fike

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since Nov 16, 2011
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Your land has potential. Depending on its placement you may be able to get both wind as well as solar generated electricity. You mentione a stream. If the stream has its origins in a spring on the farm you are very luck. It will hopefully keep on flowing during the periods of drought that P.E. Is renouned for. The fact that the land has not been touched for so long is fantastic as you assured that indecticides and every other "cide" have not been used on the land is all that time. Link up to local farmers and they will tell you about stock sicknesses etc.predominant in the area and what to look out for. As for the farm being hilly...there's plenty of info on this site about berns and swales etc that will assist you. Keep on going a step at a time. You are building something very special for the future of your family. As you often heard on the radio in days gone by :Vasbyte!
10 years ago
We used to cut and burn the port Jackson but it just seemed to grow even more viralent. A farmer told us to cut and stack the cuttings in a pile. Mice and insects eat the seed and over time you start to win the race...good luck Boet
10 years ago
Hi Paul
I am in South Africa. Will the extra 10 dollars cover postage to my neck of the woods?