Bob Geheb

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since Nov 29, 2011
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Recent posts by Bob Geheb

I found this site a year or so ago and joined shortly after. This is my first post,because I never had anything to say that is worth typing. ( I'm a stare at the keyboard 2 finger typer) I have learned more in the last year that is really worth knowing than I have in the previouse 55 years. I quit the family farm in the 80s because that way of doing things just ain't right. (conventional farming) Organic was more my style, but all the information I could find didn't solve my main concern; how to produce GOOD food without outside imputs, and most imortanty, to do no harm to the planet. I had figured out some of it myself by observing nature, but the quantity and QUALITY of information your site is amazing. It has changed my life.

So, you keep doing what your doing the way you see fit. You, and all the folks who contribute on this site are changing the world for the better, and that is what counts. Are your critics doing that???