Burra Maluca wrote:
Deb Stephens wrote:
It's like saying if I decide to roll in poison ivy, please stop me.
You didn't say stop though. You said shoot. Shooting someone to stop them rolling in poison ivy isn't nice.
I was not in any way saying that people who use glitter are bad people.
And yet that is how it sounded. You seem to be implying that might be better off shot.
Honestly, I think someone would have to be very sensitive to read this as "not nice".
Permies.com is full of very sensitive people.
Have we come to the point here where we can't express our own opinions about what we like or don't like?
Well in that post you do seem to have reached the point you can't express your opinion without being nice, yes.
r ranson wrote:I don't see anything in the following that meets publishing standards.
and I hope someone shoots me if I ever even hint at putting glitter in soap!!! I also DO NOT do melt and pour! That is not soapmaking to me.
Qualifying not nice statements with "it's just my opinion" doesn't make them suddenly nice.
Meg Mitchell wrote:IMO the absolute best resource for a beginning soapmaker is Smart Soapmaking by Anne Watson. A lot of soapmaking resources are cargo-culting based on things other soapmakers have said in the past, but Anne bases her work on experience and dispels a lot of common myths in the book. To use a totally random analogy, I'd say she's the Sam Thayer of soap. She even has another book about how to make Castile soap that isn't gross (which I haven't tried yet, but she does explain why Castile soap tends to be so gross and yet such a classic of at-home soapmaking).
I'm not a huge fan of Soap Queen because they use a lot of unnecessary tools and artificial ingredients (they make their $ selling materials and tools, so their recipes tend to use way more than is needed to turn out a good result), and there's been more than one video from them where they insult the viewer's intelligence. I'm a STEM nerd and it annoys me beyond belief to have some woman assure me that it's okay that I'm too dumb to do basic math and chemistry.
Julie Inmon wrote: I did notice that the fruits were ALWAYS covered in tiny bugs like someone else mentioned. I want to say they were extremely tiny worms of some sort but my memory isn’t great. Does anyone know what they could’ve been and how to prevent/fix that? I’d love to have my own mulberry tree again one day.