Derk Smiles

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since Dec 08, 2011
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Recent posts by Derk Smiles

Building inspections and policy on what you can and can not do on your own land really frosts my shorts. In the Municipality where I work they have by-law officers that drive around and snoop on property!

I was very pleased after I got land in another more remote municipality and spoke to the local council. The response was something like a building permit? hmm I guess... but we don't issue permits unless its a really big structure etc.
...couldn't be more pleased.
13 years ago
Thanks Lolly I'm also curious how big I should make the unit?
13 years ago
So the cob is being used for the bench mass and for insulating the riser? What is the feasability of heating a 400 sqf cabin in the north with one of these things?
I am currently in the process of transition from my mortgage box in the city to a small paid for cabin on 2.2 acres in southern Manitoba.
13 years ago

I just signed up, I'm Derk. question... what is being mixed in the clay being packed into the heat riser on the Rocket mass video on this web site?
13 years ago