Bruce Brummitt

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since Dec 11, 2011
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Paperboy, student, wrangler, dishwasher, cook, college radio dj, VietNam fire support liaison, horseshoer, blacksmith, soils engineer, gardener, permaculture enthusiast/consultant, log cabin builder, carried medicines on horseback for UNICEF in the war torn mountains of Nicaragua in the 80s, have lived within a state forest for the past 27 years in an off grid earth sheltered house built from local materials...many gleaned from this land, with a hand pump and outhouse until December of 2007, when we built an indoor 'biffy'. Electricity from the sun, fuel wood from the land. Married to a woman since 1989 who is a testament to the fact that there is beauty and grace in the world. Have traveled extensively throughout the Western USA and Mexico in VW campers...have also spent time in Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, New Zealand...My dream is to drive the coast from Vancouver to the tip of South America. Perhaps soon.
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We live 5 miles from a village of 500 or so which has a good market, a beer store and a burger/bait shop. We live within a state forest on 50 acres. We’ve both had cottage industries which meant no commute. A city of 5,000 with feed stores, fleet farm stores, three grocery stores, a couple of hardware stores, and most else you could use. Even fast food joints. It’s 13 miles away. A lot of Amish in the area to buy from too. Still, I have a 4x4 tacoma and my wife has a Subaru Forester. I have a rad runner bike too. I’m also 73 years old.
2 years ago
EMFs are definitely no joke.

I like making music with friends. Around the fire is really nice.
13 years ago
Everything on alternating current pulses. Modern, electronically ballasted CFLs refresh themselves at between 10,000 and 40,000 cycles per second.

I do prefer analog to digital music.
13 years ago
We need more R&D into LED lighting...banning incandescents (which is becoming more common throughout the world... may spur more technological development in that direction. As for the topic matter, I agree with most who believe we need more light and less heat.
13 years ago
Something I'd like to mention about CFLs (and would make this 'test' not real world relevant)...they have ballasts which aren't designed to be cycled on and off in such radical measures. Incandescents are resistance elements and create a lot of heat, but their cycling doesn't much matter. LEDs, on the other hand, don't give a wit.

I've had a strand of LEDs on constantly, 24/7, since December of 2007...don't even register on my amp meter (well, hardly a bit)
13 years ago
Could you provide brand information, wattage and voltage please? I run both 12 volt and 120 volt CFL bulbs...have had some failures with early 12 volt....but generally they do well and draw much less electricity, which is important to someone on a battery system. I am slowly switching over to LED bulbs, which are wonderful in the right applications.
13 years ago