Jon Nyman

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since Dec 17, 2011
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Listening to the podcast today reminded me of the "tragedy of the commons." That sounds like what Wheaton was dealing with. A well known problem. How to deal with it when trying to live in a community setting I have no idea. But understanding what the problem is at its core is important. It sounds like they are on there way with 2.0 of taking care of it. It is unfortunate that we don't care as much when we don't feel ownership, but that seems to be what is built into our minds. Since people don't stay very long on the land I wonder if you can expect too much from others, since they don't have ownership.
Since you guys are talking politics. It's not good to use violence to force people to do something which you believe is right unless they are the aggressors and you are defending yourself. I don't understand why people like hurting one another.
13 years ago
I was thinking of the podcast Paul did the other day. I think it is a bit disingenuous to talk about the 100+ year light as a spectacular thing since it is only a about 4 watt light bulb, so it is of little practical use. I do love your show and enjoy listening to you. I know the point you are trying to prove, that you can make bulbs that last a long time, it is just a bit misleading without a disclaimer. Keep up the good work! Great video, btw.
13 years ago
20,000 hour light bulbs, incandescent.
13 years ago