Travis Custer

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since Dec 27, 2011
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Currently the SW U.S. but spending time in Northern Nicaragua as well
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Recent posts by Travis Custer

I'm planning to visit Sanpoint in late January and would love to make some permaculture connections in the area. Do you know of any farms/sites/people that we could link up with? Thanks!
13 years ago
John, that seems to be everyones advice....good as it is I don't have any local stores to get bulk pigeon pea. Guess I'll keep looking. In any case did you ever have a problem with the seed producing true. As in, do you think the pigeon pea you were buying from the stores was hybrid or true breeding? I have just been reading a lot about the extensive hybridization of pigeon pea for large agricultural market and just want to see if people have any experience.

thanks for your reply and help

For anyone interested in alternative dental care check out this link. I highly recommend these techniques.
13 years ago
The tooth stick is a great place to start. I use just about whatever type of stick i can find, sometimes choosing one over another depending on the medicinal properties of the plant. I prefer a tooth stick that is more rigid than licorice root, however. When i can, i make an herbal tooth powder to clean my teeth and gums with. I learned these techniues from an incredible plant teacher here in the Southwest named Doug. He has recently produced a dvd all about tooth care without dentists It's pricey, but way cheaper than a visit to the dentist, and the info it contains is priceless. I highly recommend Doug's classes for whoever might be in the region. Cheers!
13 years ago
Seems like finding a bulk market is the way to go. They aren't at my local bulk food section. Guess I'll see if I cant find a Whole Foods near by....I wouldn't worry about residuals either, particularly after saving seed and moving onto future generations. Mostly just want to know they aren't hybrid, as it seems a lot of pigeon pea is these days, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see hybridized pigeon pea ending up in the whole foods bulk section. It will be interesting to see if all your baby pigeon peas are true to each other/parents.

Thanks for all the great help everyone

13 years ago
Hello all....I have been looking for pigeon pea seed that is organic and open pollinated with no chem/fungicidal treatments and am having a terribly hard time. Specifically because I am looking to buy a pound or so, and the two or three sites I have found sell only 1 oz. packets, and some are not openly "organic" or "open pollinated".

My question is....does anyone out there know of any good sources of bulk pigeon pea seed? I have a feeling there are some folks out there saving their own and I would love to find you and strike up some sort of trade. My wife and 5 month old son are involved with a young, growing permaculture farm/community in Northern Nicaragua and will be heading down in a month to spend some more time. Would love to figure out some pigeon pea seed ahead of time.

For the wild
Thanks Yukkuri...I'll have to check my local bulk store...don't have a whole foods here, but good idea...I've definitely sprouted things from the bulk section as well. Good lead

13 years ago
Sandra thanks for the link, but again cherrygal is like the others...small 1 oz packets....if i can't find anything else this will work, but as I'm trying to get a pound or more it seems there should be an easier, less energy intensive, cheaper way...haha...thanks so much for the link though

13 years ago
Hello all....I have been looking for pigeon pea seed that is organic and open pollinated with no chem/fungicidal treatments and am having a terribly hard time. Specifically because I am looking to buy a pound or so, and the two or three sites I have found sell only 1 oz. packets, and some are not openly "organic" or "open pollinated".

My question is....does anyone out there know of any good sources of bulk pigeon pea seed? I have a feeling there are some folks out there saving their own and I would love to find you and strike up some sort of trade. My wife and 5 month old son are involved with a young, growing permaculture farm/community in Northern Nicaragua and will be heading down in a month to spend some more time. Would love to figure out some pigeon pea seed ahead of time.

For the wild
13 years ago