what I find fun is getting outdated seed packets, which you can get at a great discount or often for free. I throw the seeds out in a space that I dug and see what happens. I know, not terribly scientific, but it gives me a good idea of what will do well and what won't. I get a chance to see how my site reacts to the plants. I am actually growing something while I get to know my site. I know that a lot of people look down on outdated seeds because of loss of viability but the loss in the first year is only about 20%, that means 80% of those seeds are just fine. If you are getting the seeds for free, who cares if some of them are duds?
The best made plans often go awry so don't get to hung up on getting the right plan or the right plant for the spot. A designer can come in, pick out all your plants for you and tell you where to put them, but that designer doesn't know the quirks of your space you could lose the lot of them. The quirks can only be found by watching your yard for the course of a year, or more. Just jump in and have some fun. Play! Yeah, some plants are going to die and others will have to be moved. Oh well! You said you have read tons of books, trust your intuition and go with it. Get your hands dirty.