Ryan Bradley

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since Jan 04, 2012
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Recent posts by Ryan Bradley

Posted to FB.... It didn't go through... working on the wall-post still... It seems like you are shown the "option" of posting, but it doesn't stay.
! I did an @tweet to Ashton, and that went through. Unfortunately, looks like he gets a bunch of those, and so it will likely get lost in the swarm. Still looking/thinking about how to do this.

What I sent as the tweet:
@aplusk http://www.richsoil.com/hugelkultur/
Use rotting wood to REDUCE waste of $$, Water, hoses, sprinklers

paul wheaton wrote:

Ryan Bradley wrote:!!! PAUL !! I've got it! (Please, nobody else steal this idea, even if you agree that it's a good 1)... Somebody (You, me, or someone we agree upon) posts the hugel link on Ashton Kutcher's FB page! Is it off-topic for Ashton? Sure! But it looks like ANYONE can post to his page... AND, there are 11mil people who've "Liked" Ashton. This means, that if 10% also got automatically Subscribed (the new FB service to make it easier to stalk your friends haha), then you get an instant 1million people who get the link AUTOMATICALLY posted to their FB feeds.... Think about it & either reply in here, or by email.

I like your style of devious thinking. Go for it!

K. I think I'll probably use one of your pics (from richsoil), and a link to the main article. Then I'll put some of what I hope will be the most "eye catching" keywords within the post (some of it will be from your email this morning). Hopefully the little I know about SEO will pay off with this

--added details
!!! PAUL !! I've got it! (Please, nobody else steal this idea, even if you agree that it's a good 1)... Somebody (You, me, or someone we agree upon) posts the hugel link on Ashton Kutcher's FB page! Is it off-topic for Ashton? Sure! But it looks like ANYONE can post to his page... AND, there are 11mil people who've "Liked" Ashton. This means, that if 10% also got automatically Subscribed (the new FB service to make it easier to stalk your friends haha), then you get an instant 1million people who get the link AUTOMATICALLY posted to their FB feeds.... Think about it & either reply in here, or by email.
@Paul- That sounds like a good idea, seeing as people might really want some of those first few introductory podcasts for a definition/description of permaculture. (quick side note- I'm typing this on my iPhone & it actually had "permaculture" in it's dictionary!)

I get all the pods via iTunes, and just sync them to my mobile device.