Tom Haile

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since Jan 12, 2012
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jacque greenleaf wrote:I just love cold-extraction coffee. Smooth and rich, never old- or burnt-tasting. I let mine sit for at least 24 hours, then keep it in the fridge. Dilute with hot or cold water to taste when you want a cup. Filtering is the issue, I'm going to find one of those metal filters!

I think this is the type of strainer that I use:

Fine Metal Strainer

It takes a little bit of time to strain out.
12 years ago
paul wheaton here's a pic

Here's a pic of coffee grounds in a Ball jar filled with water. It's that simple then it sits in the frig. After a day I use a fine metal strainer to strain off a cup. I make sure to start another batch before I run out. Since I already use my frig there's no extra energy costs and it takes 1.5 minutes to make.

I was inspired to do a simple blog post on it. Cheap Simple Coffee Brewing.

12 years ago
For making coffee. I put medium ground coffee in a big mason jar filled with water and put it in the frig for a day. Then I strain out a cup. Cold brew coffee eliminates the need for a heat source.

Has anyone tried sun brewed coffee?

12 years ago