I would like to refer you to a few studies about the dangers of flouride, but rather than link all of them, I will simply refer you to only one of many links where several legitimate studies are quoted. Some of these studies are by the ADA (American Dental Association) itself and include observations about flouride dangers by dentists. I have known for years that flouride was not something to be used lightly. As a physical anthropologist, I have seen first hand what flouride can do to bones and teeth. In fact flouride is so persistent in bone that it can be used for dating biological remains. Personally, I lump this in with optical brighteners and hydrogenated fats as something I do not want or need in or on my body -- ever.
Also your information on coconut oil is outdated and incomplete. Yes, it is a saturated fat, but the latest studies indicate that not all saturated fats are equal in being "bad for you". There are literally hundreds of articles out there quoting study after study about the benefits of coconut oil in the diet -- particularly in warding off heart attacks and stroke. Just search for them and you will see for yourself.
I do not necessarily advocate the use of charcoal (and yes, I do know how it is made, having made it). I have never used it myself, and probably never will, but it is listed in a number of old recipes for toothpaste, and was actually the preferred tooth powder additive of Benjamin Franklin. (It is still used in many third world countries.) I mentioned it only as a possibility. I would expect anyone willing to make their own toothpaste to do research as well, and not blindly follow the advice given by anyone here -- myself included.
Jeanine Gurley wrote:Coconut oil is supposed to be very good for you both topically and internally.