A J Heeren

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since Jan 19, 2012
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My understanding of "carbon farming" is negligible, but I am a bit familiar (mostly from reading) with many of the practices Toensmeier will discuss in the book like perennial cropping systems and agroforestry. One solution thats worth mentioning here is the dedicated work of Mike Hands who has created an alternative to the slash and burn farming practice in the tropics called inga alley cropping. The documentary, "Up in Smoke", takes you on his journey with the people that adopt this practice in Honduras (http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/53386/Up-in-Smoke).

The different practices showcased in the example of Las CaƱadas all produce a variety of externalities and without even considering carbon sequestration in the assessment of such benefits there is progress on so many levels. Much appreciation to Eric Toensmeier for the details, data and potentiality it appears his books has in store for us.
8 years ago
I'm thinking about preserving black soldier fly larvae for winter chicken feed. Since the BSF are reared in the warmer months while our foraging friends have access to fresh insects in rotating paddocks, why not try to store this protein and fat rich food for when the ground is frozen (also trying to cut back on purchased feed)? We thought about dehydrating the BSF, but it seems a little too involved. Maybe we can take the BSF from their housing and placed them directly in a jar of brine to ferment? Or maybe freezing them and thawing small batches as needed? Has anyone tried this or something similar before?
8 years ago

Great job on the videos, Jesse. I especially enjoyed the first one; your introspective approach and use of the debarking metaphor was masterfully done! I can appreciate the dilemma you faced and it sounds like you handled it with wisdom, maturity, and dignity. For all it's worth, I think you made the right choice.

I couldn't agree more.

Also, your first podcast was very well received. I've heard quite a few podcasts from a variety of characters and, for what it's worth, you've got natural podcast presence. Thanks for sharing!

This message probably seems a little out of place. I am realizing now that I have three more pages in this thread to catch up on. Good news for me.
9 years ago