Nick Kochis

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since Jan 20, 2012
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Recent posts by Nick Kochis

Hey Peter, I have no idea what cultivar it is. It's a funny story actually, about 3 years ago when I was just getting interested in planting a food forest I ordered some comfrey root from horizon herbs, the roots came in and they looked familiar but I didn't think much of it and planted them. A few weeks go by and they start to pop out and I realize I had comfrey growing ALL OVER on my land and never realized it. My dad had been fighting it every year he planted his garden and little did he know the more you pull it the more that grows. So it was a nice accident to realize I had a plentiful amount of such a useful plant. The strain that grows here I noticed tends to be a little less vigorous then the one I got from horizon but I have enough roots around that it doesn't really matter, I can chop and drop to my hearts content. I would love to get an opinion on the cultivar though if you wanted to swing by or I could drop some off one day.

10 years ago
I live in Madisonville, near the elmhurst reservoir and I have a holy shit ton of comfrey growing around my property if anybody wants some. Useful plant for starting any kind of forest garden and breaking up our rocky clay. Some kind of trade would be nice but if you've got nothing no worries. Email me if interested...
10 years ago
Yep, that's it some kind of labornum, and it appears to be poisonous, too bad, ill end up throwing it off in some corner away from any foraging chickens. Thanks for the help!
11 years ago
Got this unknown tree for free at a nursery this past weekend, can anyone identify it?

11 years ago
Merry Xmas all, reading this thread I'm totally psyched to hear there are permaculturalists in Nepa, maybe Louis hasn't squashed the hopes and dreams of all nature centered people here.. I'm from Moscow, pa about 15 minutes from Scranton. I graduated in 2011 from college and traveled for a bit before getting a sweet opportunity as an intern at the central Rocky Mountain permaculture institute this past summer where I got my pdc. After coming back home I planted out my first forest garden. Just a bunch of random fruit trees and a shit ton of wood chips leaves, and grass clippings so far(I would pick up a truck load of yard waste from my borough building whenever I had the chance). but to the point if there are enough of us we should get together sometime and share some thoughts. Maybe the seeds of a nepa permaculture guild could be planted? What does everyone think?

Ps I'm heading back out to Crmpi in a few weeks and who knows when I'll be back around, so it looks like in the short term I'm declining my own invitation, not to stop you guys though haha

12 years ago
Thanks Rick. It's around 60 degrees, 58 I think. It maximizes winter sun I found a cool application online somewhere that prints out the suns path for a given lat/long I'll see if I can find it later. I was actually planning on putting a rocket heater on the back wall with a brick bench but I ran into a bunch of barrels so I thought I'd give the passive solar set up a try. It gets super hot on sunny days around 100 and I have a vent that kicks on and I saw a post a few days ago from Toby heme way in a thread on here that describes a design at CRMPI where they vent that hot air through the ground. I was thinking I could possibly set something up where I send the hot air through a battery on the wall or maybe through the barrels?
13 years ago
5b, northeast pennsylvania
13 years ago
finished my greenhouse around thanksgiving...its not really passive solar, I have a small heater that I kick on at night when it gets in the single digits and the fan, but the thought is there...I should be harvesting my first greens this weekend im pretty psyched
13 years ago