Jill Bell

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since Jan 23, 2012
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Thanks for the replies -

I'm not ignorant about the breed - yes, he IS a working dog and he has work to do. I have an abundance of animals he is to protect! He's been bonded to chickens since he was a pup. But this breed is known to roam too. He wanders off because it's more fun to chase the cows next door than to do his work.

The yoke may look unpleasant, but it's better than getting shot, like our last dog who wandered. Also better than being tied up 24/7.

We do have a house yard fence, so maybe I'll close those gates and see how we go.

He knows which fences he's not supposed to go under because I've taken him the entire perimeter and whenever he's strayed I've scolded him and he's understood. He is consciously choosing to do this despite his training (maremmas are free thinkers)
13 years ago
Thanks Jacques for the reply!

I live on 22 acres with 4 rows of barbed wire at the boundary. I can plant the citronella balm at the places he tends to leave at, but I don't think it's feasible to do the entire perimeter.

Please keep the suggestions coming!

13 years ago
Hi Everyone!
I have a maremma (Italian livestock guard dog) that won't stay on my property. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to keep him at home.

I have read through various livestock guard dog publications and found a PVC triangle to 'fence' train dogs, so I've made my own using a harness and a PVC triangle. Please see the attached pictures. At first the triangle would just lean so he could easily go under a fence, so I put a harness on him to avoid the lean, but this has only minorly deterred him.

PLEASE any suggestions??!! My neighbors are kind in calling me about him being on their property, but they are getting tired of it.


13 years ago