mark gilligan

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since Jan 26, 2012
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well, the concrete planks are available in different widths and lengths check their website (, they also have holes in them for the entire length which the hot air could be pushed through, the hole idea is to heat the floor because when working on the vehicles i spend most of my time on the floor.Once the concrete gets warm , i would imagine it would be easier to keep it that way.what i would like to know is has anybody tried working with the concrete planking and use it as a heated floor? It just seems that it is readymade for this application , i just wouldnt know where to start , i dont think it would be difficult , just need some input on how to get it done . thanks for your input.
13 years ago
I have for years wanted to build a shop with a heated floor for use in the winter months. This is my plan please let me know what you all think and the best way to design/build it so it will work. If you dont think it is doable say so. You wont hurt my feelings. Ok ? My plan for the shop is to use hollow core conrcete planks ( for the floor in the garage . My question is can I somehow make a manifold to connect to one end of the planking to feed hot air through it and another on the other end for the used air to vent, using a rocket style stove for the heat source or possibly any other style stove. the garage would be 20' x 20' at least , maybe bigger. My biggest concern would be can i generate enough heat from the stove to heat the floor or would it take forever for it to warm up? the specifics on the concrete planks are on molins site .Any help or comments are welcome. Thanks
13 years ago