Ian Rossbridge

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since Jan 29, 2012
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Recent posts by Ian Rossbridge

Thanks Parker. I've often wondered about this, and never got a satisfactory answer. I assume the same applies to a pot of (potentially) contaminated soil? Cheers, Ian
11 years ago
Dear Permies

Can someone tell me just how much a potted plant/tree cultivated using non-organic media (a gift) would harm an organic garden bed/soil if introduced? Would it dissipate over time, or continue to contaminate and infiltrate deep into said soil?

Thanks muchly, Ian
11 years ago
Ok. I'm obviously having trouble navigating the site or something. I noticed the "PM" sign above your message - which indicated that I needed to log in. As soon as I did this, there is no sign of a "PM" anywhere that I can see. Also, my original private message to the other recipient was not done in this way... Apologies.
Hi. Re-logging in and re-submitting didn't work either. I've copied my last attempt to this private recipient to a word document for when it's resolved. I'm afraid I don't see a 'stay logged in' option anywhere either. Starting to feel old and useless...
I'll try 'stay logged in' (and the re-submit thing) and see how it goes. Cheers.
Nope. I've just noticed on another thread someone with the same problem. Someone else responded that when the log in box reappears that you need log in again (and post will reappear), then re-submit. Guess I could try that.
First time it happened was quite long (maybe over 30 min). I wondered if this was the problem, so next try much shorter (about 15min). Still didn't work, so the next attempt was only about 5min.

Is anyone having problems sending private messages on the forum?

I've just joined the forum recently. I posted a question to one of the participants in private (and got a response) without a problem, but later attempts at communication have failed - I have a response in my email inbox, but when I open, log in, write, and submit, the message disappears and all that remains is the log in box (to log in again).

Any ideas?