Spike Jones

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since Feb 04, 2012
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Roy Clarke wrote:I'd agree with those figures Spike, I use 10kWh/litre for oil fuels as it would only be lab measurements that would tell you in more detail. People would never notice in their homes. Your heater is much higher output than most vapourisers in the UK, which are usually used for cookers. We also have significant building regs etc in the UK, so unless he has special approval, Allister's workshop stove would probably raise some eyebrows.

Did you see the PM I sent?

Hello Roy, I had missed the PM as I wasn't looking I guess.

So far I haven't worried about a catalyser as the heater burns nice and clean and fuel is plentiful and free,... plus I don't like tempting fate, working on the heater in our living room. As clean as it operates there is always a small amount of fluffy light soot on the interior of the firebox and i think I could be rid of that if i was forcing the burn rate a little higher. I found out about this once when I lit it in the morning and got distracted and forgot to turn the fuel down as it heated up and became less viscous. The result half an hour later was a heater that was literally red hot. When I isolated the fuel and it cooled down I noticed that the inside was as clean as a whistle. My main worry was that I may have ruined my pyrometer which has an upper limit of 1300 deg.C, it was pegged hard against the stop. Fortunately it seems not to have suffered at all.

I don't know how Allister got around the regulations, but it was in use for several years at least. (He has now retired)

12 years ago

Roy Clarke wrote:I've just found it too, and after a while lurking I thought I'd better register. I spend my working time looking after peoples oil burner installations, and come across both pressure jet and vapourising types. WVO would be better run in a pressure jet burner, with pressure developed either by a motor driven pump, or compressed air. This is needed to atomise the fuel so the combustion is clean. Too low pressure gives a dribbly output from the nozzle. The burn would be a bang-bang set up, as the minimum output will be around 10kW (lots of heat, more suited to a foundry if burnt continuously). It would also need an electric supply of around 250W. So you'd need some of the WVO to run the generator. In this case use all the WVO to run a generator and duct the heat from the generator to make use of it.

For vapourisers, the oil is usually drip fed into a burner, and would usually be thinner than WVO (ie vapourising oil). To get clean combustion, the air must match the fuel. This means you need tight control of the oil supply, and a stable flue draught. The vapouriser can burn continuously and has a rough output of around 2 to 4kW. There is some lattitude in the air/fuel mix, but this is obtained by the oil burning with a high temperature part in the burner to vapourise the oil (hence the name).

I haven't done anything trying to burn oil in a rocket stove, because wood is so much more convenient as a fuel, and I suspect oil would cause more trouble than I need. Also when TSHTF, any oil will be useful for making other products.

G'Day Roy,

I dunno how my math is, but my vapouriser burns approximately 3 litres of WMO/Hr at full throttle and according to my calculations that is about 28KW of output. I used the values WMO = 31,868BTU/Lt (145,000BTU/Imp Gallon) *3 = 95,604 BTU/Hr divided by 3,413 BTUs per KWh = 28.011 KW/h. Allowing for a guestimated 40% inefficiency that still give me a healthy 16.8 KW of usable output.

My heater is sufficient to keep our 17 square stone walled home comfortable at about half throttle in our mild winters, with day temps of about approx 8degC (46degF)

12 years ago

JML JML wrote:Here is another link to see more of the drip tray....

I noticed that the temperatures in his videos are in celcius, so at the optimal burn of 600 degrees C is 1112 degrees F far lower temperatures then what the RMH will reach in the reburn chamber/upriser.

I already subscribe to his channel but I can't send him a message until he accepts a friend request. When and if he does I will see if he's willing to share the plans. I think that will go along way to blending the WVO with the RMH.


I just found this site.

How may I help?

Ozzirt (Spike)
12 years ago