Kevin Jarvis

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since Feb 10, 2012
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Recent posts by Kevin Jarvis

If you "slow roast"the Jerusalem Artichoke it breaks down the inalin and make its easier for the human body to use....just like some beans for some people giv e a lot of gas
12 years ago
Hello All

Here is the latest update to my place

12 years ago
Hej Everyone

My Permaculture project is a sort of demonstration site with the plan to be my home with a community ( I hope )
Been working on it since 2006 , starting with finishing the existing cabin shell.
Then in 2008 on to more in the garden and permaculture.

Here is my latest video update of the place

12 years ago
Old World vs New World Wood Stove design comparisons...rocket mass heater... masonry stove...cast iron with lots of mass...
12 years ago
Hej Brenda

edited my other post...hope this help...glad to know what you are doing at your place...kj
12 years ago
Hello Brenda...

Your place looks nice...
We are at the same latitude as Anchorage but it looks like about 3a or 3b...
In Europe or Sweden at least our scale is backward to USDA zones...
Zone 1 in USA is the coldest...but here zone 1 is the warmest...

I have mostly birch..some aspen...some alder...some spruce...In the woods I too am planting Jerusalem artichokes...hope to make these a "large" harvest crop...for sale and personal use...
Have lots of wild raspberry..wild black current...also planting "commercial" black current...Have started 3 large logs for mushroom cultivation last summer
This is all behind our outdoor kitchen area....

In front as you'll see from the videos...these is a large zone one area..lots of keyhole garden areas...lots of squash...kales...cannages...regular garden stuff

12 years ago
Hello Everyone.
Want to introduce myself.
Kevin Jarvis...I am an american now living in Sweden since 2004

So am "doing Permaculture" in central far north as Anchorage, AK.

I've been documenting and showing what I am doing at Earthway Experience Permaculture Demonstration on my youtube channel. Have over 80 vids just now.
If you have a chance here is a couple of vids (6 min or so each) that are overview of the place ..both shot in August...the past 2 summers.
The project is now about 4 years old..

the place Aug 2010 -

the place Aug 2011 -

Thanks for the great company here kj
12 years ago