I'm a confused newbie. I've been researching getting backyard chickens for the last few weeks, and after about 50 hours of research, I'm more confused than ever. So I'd love some advice from you experienced owners.
I read Paul's Chicken 2.0 article today, and I really like the theory of it, but I'm worried that it won't work in our situation. We have a 1/4 acre backyard that is pretty skimpy in terms of vegetation (see pic below). A little grass and weeds and that's it. Not much for a healthy chicken diet, I would think, even though we're only planning on 4-6 hens. So, I'm concerned that they wouldn't get much of a healthy diet, but I'm also concerned that even with rotating say 4 different paddocks, they'd still reduce what little grass we have to just mud. Am I justified in my concern? Any good solutions to this?
I've also considered the chicken tractor method, but I'm worried that 4 or so hens will still reduce our lawn to just mud, even if I move the tractor every single day. Also considered just having a permanent coop (where you see the playground below) and having a traditional chicken run that I keep mucked out and with fresh hay.
Would love advice, thoughts on any of this. Definitely want to avoid just having a big muck of poo and mud in the backyard.
Thanks much