Lena Zett

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since Feb 26, 2012
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Recent posts by Lena Zett

I now tried to get the asparagus out of the pot. The first 5 to 10 cm in the soil the asparagus seems to be a single stem, but then it ends in a complex root system. I don't know if I destroy the plant if I just get that single bit and plant it into the soil... does anyone know how to do that? But with the whole root-system I wouldn't know how to separate them...

thanks again!

12 years ago
thanks guys, that already helped a lot. I think we'll just try in that patch then cheers!
12 years ago

I am wwoofing in New Zealand at the moment and my host (not really any knowledge about organic/permaculture planting and stuff though) would like to plant asparagus. The plants are in a pot at the moment and about 30 to 40 cm high. She want's them to transplant into a bed. The bed is shady and doesn't get much sun during the day. The soil is a bit sandy. The property lies directly at a big river, so it is humid as well. We don't have good own-made kompost here but bought two bags of organic compost.

My question is, how does asparagus like to grow, what does it need, is it a plant which needs a lot of nutrients? Does it like sun or shade? When is the right time of the year to plant it? Also I would like to know, how to transplant it - how deep has the hole to be, how deep does it want to sit in the soil etc....

Thanks a lot

12 years ago