paul wheaton wrote:A tour of four outhouses. The last one is a piece of art and is a fully water tight system.
Jesse Coker wrote:Hello all! Wondering if anyone has done this or feels they can speak on this approach we are considering. Our plan is to house a wood boiler that can heat water that is pumped through Pex tubing and back through a closed system. We are likely to lay the tubing down 12 inches and space it 18 inches apart. Tubing will likely be 5/8" to 3/4" diameter.
My question isn't so much about our ability to run the system, but rather about its effectiveness as it is running. Will the heat that is produced reach the root systems of things like tomatoes? We do plan on laying some sort of insulation beneath the tubing to direct the heat where we want it. I would much rather lay it deep like this so that we don't have worry about hitting the lines as we work the soil.
Also, we will incorporate a 300 gallon tank for storing the heat produced in the water as we circulate.
We have already installed about fifty 55-gallon steel barrels on the inside perimeter of our 30'x72' high tunnel and filled them with water for insulation from outside soil temperatures, as well as to moderate temps inside the greenhouse.
Thanks for your thoughts!! -Jesse
paul wheaton wrote:Years ago I had an amazon account for and I would periodically get these checks in GBP that would sometimes cost me more to deposit than the amount on the check. Eventually I found a way around that and would get the full value.
And then I got lazy and all that sorta dried up.
So now I'm trying to fish out the account and fire it up again. But I'm not sure if I have the numbers and stuff right.
Could somebody in england/europe click on this and buy something unusual and tell me about it? that way, in a few days I should be able to see it pop up in a report and then I'll know that it is working. If you follow the link and then search for any weird thing and buy it, that should work.
Also, it sounds like there are six amazon stores. I've only used Which amazon do you all use?