Howdy there. I'm 21 Minnesotan, son of a wood heater builder, I work with him a good deal of my time and the rest i put into the house.
What I'm working on is a grain bin house amalgamation, off to the side is a shallow stone basement and walk in root cellar, with a 8ft room above it connecting to the grain bin.
The shape or over all design is hard to explain so i painted a crooked little picture to help.
So (A) is the 18x15ft grain bin,
(B&C) are either the walls of the basement or the walls of the above ground floor, the former being made of stone and block, and the latter being bin tins..
(B&C) If connected together, would make a 14x7 foot grain bin.. The idea is to split the bin into two curved walls and fill in the gap (E) with a block wall.
Below (B) are the stairs to the basement, roughly put where the kitchen and bathroom are gonna be. I think eventually the space around (B) will be a real small sauna. Also threw in a couch I'll never have. Ratios aren't on at all, but its Win Paint... /shrug
Not really sure why I'm making the post I was just excited to see the forum and would love ideas or comments....
I'm not gonna upload pics here because I'd have to download them of facebook and put them up here again so i'm going to link the album on fb..
Facebook Grainbin Album