Duncan Hamra

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since Mar 28, 2012
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Recent posts by Duncan Hamra

If you have trouble growing things in clay then here's a article i found about fixing clay if you still need help! you may find it useful.
How to Fix Clay Soil
11 years ago
This Guy just used a bunch of leaves for sheet mulching. It looks like you need alot!!
The part about the leaves is half way down the page.
Sheet Mulching Article
11 years ago
heres an article I found about fixing problem soil...

Productive Soil
11 years ago
Thanks! I'll look into shredding the leaves before we put them down, having all that extra surface area would defiantly speed up decomposition.
12 years ago
What exactly do you mean by "forest land revenue stream time tables"? And what do you hope to get out of the land?
12 years ago
My friend and I are preparing 4000 feet of garden space with sheet mulch. We are hoping to jump start the soil since we only have 2 years untill we finish high school. Right now we have 4000ft^3 in leaves, 13 bales of wheat staw, 4000 feet of cardboard (oh Duke of permaculture please forgive us sinners), alfalfa meal, and the previous year's leaf compost to get a little microbial action goin. The plan:

1 layer of cardboard thick enough to suppress the current growth
Then a thin layer of Nitrogen for balance
12 inches of leaves
Completed leaf compost to speed up decomposition
More nitrogen for balance and finally a layer of straw mulch to keep in moisture and shelter the bacterial decomposers from the sun

First off, is this a recipe for success? Second, is there any way that we can verify the wheat straw is herbicide free? We would appreciate any help we can get! Thanks
12 years ago
Hello permies!
I'm Duncan, an aspiring Permaculturist, and i have my first question for the forum ready to go. I'm doing a history project on an event in the last 100 years that someone experienced. I thought permaculture could be a great option! Any ideas? I need to interview someone who experienced a historic event having to do with permaculture, so if you want to help spread permaculture and your experiences please get in touch with me! If you know anyone who experienced anything cool let me know as well! and lastly if you know of anything that one of the big names in permaculture did let me know of those too! Thanks!
12 years ago