Josh Kronberg

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since Apr 08, 2012
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Recent posts by Josh Kronberg

I am looking for a way to feed supplemental grains to 5 feeder pigs on pasture without allowing the cows (or calves) to get any grain.

This is my first time raising pigs on pasture. I am planning on running them with the cows on my dad's 35 acres of pasture. The cows are moved nearly every day and back fenced. While I have heard that it is possible to move pigs and cows together, I am concerned about the cows eating the grain. My parents market their cows as 100% grass fed. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can create a sub-paddock for the pig feeder that keeps the cows out?

It seems that a single wire could keep the cows out of the pig feed areas. However, I imagine that the calves would still have access. Is there enough of a height difference between calves and pigs that would allow for an electric fence option. Is there some kind of gate that would exclude the calves?
8 years ago
Paul and Jocelyn (spelling?) referenced another podcast in this episode. I thought it was like farmstead something something. Tried looking it up but have not had any luck. Does any body know what that podcast was called or where to find it? Maybe there could be a reference in the show notes as well.
I recently aquired 16 ft of used triple walled pipe (I think it's galvanized). The outer middle and inner sleeves on the pipe were seperate (just slid together). I had to completely dismantle the pipe to get it out of the house. I was wondering how I know if this is still useable? How much of this stuff do I need for a Rocket mass heater? Is it safe? Does it still meet code for going through a structure?
11 years ago

I am trying to download old episodes of the podcast to my Ipod (the gaia's garden series). When I click on the "download" link in the archives at it just pulls up another tab and starts playing the episode. I am pretty computer illiterate and don't want to break my wife's computer. I should also mention that my Ipod is old... real old. Ok thanks for any help you can offer.

Thanks for all of the input! Some more questions: What are the minimum requirements for a course to offer Permaculture Design Certification? Is there basic course curriculum that is required? Is there a difference between a Mollison approved course and one that is not? Or is it Mollison approved by virtue of the fact that it meets the minimum requirements?
12 years ago
Hello Permies,

I am new to the forums and am planning on taking a PDC this summer or fall. How do I vet a course? I live in Wisconsin and will be practicing permaculture here. I want to take the best course possible, and am specifically interested in the design process as well as seeing some strong examples of how this applies in the midwest. I believe midwest permaculture is putting on a few courses this year and it seems like there might be something going on in milwaukee. However, most of the info that I found was on the website of the people putting on the course. Any info would be great.
12 years ago