These are what are sold as "soap-nuts" and can be found in any local health (food) store and are easily researched online. Here is a link:
I have used them and find that they work well for most clothes except if you have a man whose clothes are covered in black motor vehicle grease - not so good then.
I really like it best for my own clothes (especially delicates). Use the little bag to hold them or you will have little bits of husk all over your clothes and that wouldn't work so great
for say, a sweater or towel or something. Make sure that you dry your clothes immediatley and thouroughly or you might get the mold smell, since it IS totally natural there are no
chemicals in it that prohibit mold growth - you will notice this if you don't dry your stuff immediately and well. Otherwise, have fun; you can boil them up for dish-soap,
bathroom cleaner, and I hear even shampoo. Use essential oils for a nice scent?