O. F. Smith

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since Apr 10, 2012
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eattheweeds.com says: "The G. carolinianum is a miniature version of the G. maculatum. It has a history of medicinal uses. The whole plant, but especially the roots, is astringent, salve and styptic. It can be used as a gargle for sore throats. The plant is high in tannins, which is why it is bitter and used for diarrhea. A medicinal tea can be prepared by boiling 1 to 2 teaspoons of the root for ten to fifteen minutes in 2 cups of water. One can drink three or more cups per day. A tincture (approximately 1/2 teaspoon) can also be take three times a day"

Hope this helps.
12 years ago
I came across this post while googling geranium carolinianum. Try materia medica geranium carolinianum. There is a lot of stuff. It's in medicalese if you understand such.
12 years ago