bella donna wrote:I'm not sure your read my whole post.
I in no way think leaving a bookshelf around and expecting interns to build a perfect structor. Nothing replaces a formal lesson.
I've heard it said many times on here. That people do not value a 'lesson' unless it is a sit down-y formal way.
This is what I said:
"Then sit in a class setting and teach about, lets say chickens. We then plan out what we are going to do in a 4 hr chunk. get interns to work along side me for 4 hour chunks. 5 days a week. The rest of the time is theirs."
If you tell them about chickens, show them your plan for the day , then start doing it with them. They should be able to continue to do so. It is creating a frame work that can be fallowed in steps. If you have asked them questions and you feel they truly understand, there can also be accountability. Also so when you come back and nothing is done "I didn't know what to do man." Isn't an acceptable answer. I don't expect people to know what I haven't taught them. However I am not intrested in teaching the samething over and over. I will cull the heard lazy people are bad for group moral and should go.
As an interesting side note. Not all apprenticeships are paid, in both the states and Canada journalists and a few others are expected to do an unpaid internship.
Trades are paid a % of what they'll be paid once certified in canada.
If you are living in a Yurt or something on my land and eating food I've cooked there is value to that. Reality is you need to ether barter or pay for food and shelter.
20hr leaves you time to work a normal job if you want and make tones of loot as a bartender/local labour in a nearby town/resort. My land isn't far from a few towns. In fact you can take a city bus.
Its also a selection process of my end.
I've met so many people that think 'money's the root of all evil', but are the first with their hand out to the farmer.
If you want to work more then that I will pay you in one form or another. Real money even.
If you are a good worker
Botem line is by just showing up to work you are not arriving at the table with 50% of a pie to give to me.
John Polk wrote:
empowerment + education + respect +good food+ comfortable housing= happy interns
any thoughts?
Yes. If you have a nice collection of gardening/husbandry/homesteading books, set up a library where they can comfortably read/study the books during their ample off-the-clock time.
Alison Freeth-Thomas wrote:We are WWOOF hosts if you want to come to France
I'm going to look up attra as we're really in need of some folk who have slightly more comittment than the usual WWOOFer (no offense to serious folk, but we've had lots of folk who just want a free place to stay and eat)
Interestingly, Joel Salatin recommends NOT to have land, at least not to own it - renting he reckons makes more business sense.