Bob Frenock

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since May 23, 2012
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Cécile Stelzer Johnson:  Live PNW, Oregon Coastal Range.  Not familiar with Manchineel tree .  I am familiar with poison oak and sumac and tend to get a reaction quite easily.  But I wouldn't consider them trees, or consider trying to capture their sap.  I was just wondering if there were any studies of the most common trees in the US that might indicate what trees would NOT be suitable for tapping.  Or, who would one contact to actually test some sap for safety?
3 days ago
Is all tree sap edible, more or less, and so not a great danger of poisoning?  Seems like all of the sap I've seen and tried has been mostly water, and contains sugar ... or at least can be boiled down to taste sweet.  For instance, I've tapped and boild Red Alder sap and it tastes great!!!  But how do I find out if there are any less-than-desirable things within the sap?
4 days ago
I would have already built one a) if I thought these were past the point of experimental and b) if I thought that I wouldn't have to rebuild the burn tube every few years.  Getting too old for that and I seldom see any info about longevity compared to conventional wood stoves (which I use). And yes, I would really like to cut down on the three-plus cords of wood I cut and burn every year as my sole source of heat .
2 years ago
I am a prime canidate for a RMH.  I've burned wood as my sole source of heat for over twenty years.  I want a RMH ... but after reading dozens and dozens of articles and watching video clips, etc., it seems way too artsy-craftsy for me to attempt.  Seems every heater is an experiment.  Or the last one had this problem or that problem so we are doing this or that.  I read your short write-up about the types of tubes.  Every one had a fault.  Or couldn't be found, or costs a fortune, etc.  Makes me tired just thinking about it.  Don't get me wrong, I do a lot of building.  I single-handedly put a foundation under a 1905 house and turned it into a two-story duplex.  I built an aquaponics system.  I built a two-story pole barn.  I just finished an outdoor ADA-compliant shower.  But the million variations, and multiple failure points of a RMH have kept me from the attempt.  I don't read much about them any more, and probably will never build one.  I watched the short video you made for your kickstarter when you first advertised it and didn't find it encouraging.  Sorry .
2 years ago