Hello, I have been doing a bit of research on what keeps ticks away. I used to make a spray that contained cinnamon, rosemary, peppermint and citronella essential oils mixed with apple cider vinegar. Ticks don't like apple cider vinegar. But the cinnamon was melting the plastic spray bottles. So I did a little more research and found this site and now I am making a geranium tick repelant, that seems to work pretty good. It smells a little flowery, but doesn't melt the plastic bottles. If you are interested you can get some from following the link, make your own, or contact me at 608-632-3235 I would be happy to sell you a bottle and my price would be the same. I recomend you make your own, because then you will have your bottle of essential oil and will be able to make more in the future. Also Japenese Knot Weed, Teasel Root, Burdock Root and Dandelion Root would all be beneficial to your health. I have had lymes disease twice myself and have thrown myself into research about this illness. Here is the link, good luck. http://www.ladybarbara.net/html/rose_geranium_tick_repellent.html