Warren Billings

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since Jun 05, 2012
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I live on a 1/4 acre lot with lots of maples and oak. I am super appreciative of their leaves, but am overwhelmed with the sheer quantity of leaves they drop each fall.

I am trying to find more ways to use the leaves and how to decompose them faster. So far I am shredding them and putting them in piles and mulching the garden beds with them.

Does anyone know of a fungus I could purchase/find that I could inoculate my leaf mold with to make it decompose faster?

Does anyone know of another good use for all these leaves? There are so many!

Thank you,
4 years ago
Nice, thank you for your advice! I just started talking to Help Yourself, really good people. Link here: http://commongreen.weebly.com/ I will check out Boston Food Forest Coalition too, thanks!

4 years ago
Hi All!

This year my family and I are getting serious about designing and implementing a full forest garden. We have had success with hugelkulturs and other permaculture projects, but have moved and are now ready to invest a lot of time and energy. I have been really into permaculture for the last eight years.

The site is about a 1/4 acre and mostly shady. There are sunny spots that are almost full sun, and plenty of partial sun. Zone 5b/6a in Massachusetts. I am talking with a non-profit organization that partially funds local food forests to be made publicly accessible.

I am going to make a species matrix on chart paper that includes sun and water needs. I will attach that when I finish it. It should be much easier to read than this picture... sorry about that.

I am looking for all the help in the world :) Mainly, what guilds do you guys see here? What plants should definitely be planted together?

Thank you!
4 years ago
This looks very efficient:

Even better - imagine a loading dock where you could do the splitting and then push them all off the side onto a trailer/wagon for transport.

I love permies.com!
12 years ago