Evan Rafuse

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since Jun 06, 2012
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I'm researching the best places - ideally in BC, Canada - to purchase excellent quality, organically grown medicinal plants and food forest plants (fruit trees, nut trees, perennials etc...) that do well in zones 1-5. Does anyone have a tried and true list of their top 5 or 10? I'm fine purchasing from anywhere within Canada but if Canadians are purchasing from outstanding sources elsewhere without border issues, I am all ears to hearing about it! Thanks in advance!
6 years ago
I have a question regarding composting pet waste. Many many people tend to use the clumping litter for many reasons but we all know how bad clumping litter is for the environment. Still people buy it. How do we target this litter and find effective solutions for its demise or decomposition? As we already know, mushroom remediation is simply planting mushrooms in contaminated areas. Of course it is far more detailed than that. Mushrooms have the ability to literally take up complex molecules, even oils and medicines, and break them down into harmless substances. Mushrooms have been used to remediate vast contaminated areas in very short periods of time. My question would be, is there a way to create a sturdy, basic, composter (either in ground or above) that can hold cat/dog/ferret (whatever) litter whether it be fresh, dried, clumping or what-have-you and that can take mushroom seeding and growth to decontaminate it? Does anyone have some scientific-based comment for this? It would be a great way to tackle the overwhelming use of clumping litters and NOT threaten ground water systems and therefore aquatic habitats.
12 years ago