I have a neighbor in the vicinity who made a neat portable outhouse out of scrap lumber with a 5 gal plastic bucket that has a plastic seat specially made for it. Fill bucket with straw or similar material and, when full, dump into the Jenkins Humanure holding pen.
Had another neighbor who built the 2 chamber system with dished concrete floor and cinder block but never used it. He either chickened out or maybe the County frowned.
I've been using a Carousel unit (County approved) for 30y with minor problems but overall it's been very successful. Smells only when the electric fails and the 11watt fan stops, produces fruit flies only if you throw canteloupe rinds in and occasionally needs black water draining. Cleanout occurs about every 2y for each section.
I've heard stories that the Clivus Multrum has more problems. The only one I know of in the area is in Jawbone Flats (near Opal Creek) and it seems to work.