thanks for the input! unfortunately i live in Vermont in a stone 1880s house haha so freezing is definitely an issue we had a full week of -20f once, froze our well. so putting my garden down there would cost me more resources, and as you posted "if money isn't an issue" but that's always a problem lol. LED and fiber-optics would be awesome due to the life expectancy and low wattage and heat. but fluorescent bulbs are cheaper and i will probably be going with a vertical grow setup. Basically there's three 8x4 windows in my sun-room (which does not get enough sun (sun is too high in mid-summer to reach into room) hence why I'm using lighting but mostly this is for winter months) which i want to use a roll-up blind, for each, where i will lay Mylar onto the back so that natural daylight can be let in when its efficient and the windows become a reflective surface for the vertical setup. truthfully I'm really concern about the compost the point of this project of mine is to sustain without the use of outside products like fertilizers, bought soil, food for worms, etc. Basically the only reason I'm using lights is for the year round bit, cuts down on preservation for like 4 - 6 months. But as i posted before I don't think the garden can break down and recreate enough soil for the next crop because i would be eating harvest, so i was considering soil-less plants like bulbs that grow in rocks and water, its just a thought cause i want to be able to get a perfect cycle down. I want this to run without an outside source other than the initial set-up (lights, solar panels, and plastic containers for compost and planting (potentially wood grow boxes but i don't have too much access to tools atm so its plastic for now) of course my location definitely puts a hit on growth periods. thanks again for the info.